Friday, February 10, 2006

Cut the High Cost of Shipping Supplies

Hey Gang,

found this one just before the holidays and got so busy, I forgot to pass it on. That's ok though, because it's ongoing.

If you run a business, sell items by online auction or just do a lot of mailing, here a simple way to cut the costs. Order your shipping supplies from the USPS website!

They provide a variety of shipping supplies, including boxes and tape, shipped directly to your door and most are absolutely free! You can even prepay shipping charges and print out the labels ( sorry, you do have to pay for that part ).

Boxes from your local store or supply shop can cost up to $3.50 each and tape is a buck minimum, so you can start to see where thing could add up.

Again, it's the US Postal Service website but keep in mind, their supplies can only be used for to ship stuff via the USPS! Just think of the time and money you'll save preparing your packages at home, with labels completed, so all you have to do is drop them off or have the postman pick them up!

Be sure to check it out and get a jump on the next holiday season rush and remember, if you find a good low or no cost item/service on the net, drop me a line so we can share it!



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