Saturday, February 18, 2006


Today's entry is short and sweet. I found a site where you can find freebies and deals that range from free deodorant to free baby items!

It's a forum run by some great people and full of members who are all looking for the same thing. Free goodies and deals!

The site is called Freebies and Friends and you can get there by clicking here , just remember, it's a forum and one of the rules is no advertising in your signature!

I found this out the hard way when I added a couple of sites to my signature for a posting, ( and ). No sooner had I added my comments, I received a "friendly reminder" from one of their moderators letting me know I broke the rules of the forum. I quickly responded and changed my signature to which a complimentary response was sent praising me for my quick attention in dealing with the matter.

Freebies and friends is an excellent spot to spend sometime checking things out, you never know what you might find. I liked it so much I added it to my blog links ; -)

Freebies and Friends,
